
Speech Pathology

Our speech therapy services help both children and adults to develop effective communication skills.

That doesn’t necessarily mean ‘typical’ communication skills.

There are many different ways to get your message across and engage with others – and we encourage them to learn new ways of listening to you too.

speech pathology

Speech Pathology at Look Who's Talking?

Speech pathologists (or ‘speechies’) are highly qualified allied health professionals. At Look Who’s Talking, we support children and adults with a wide range of speech, communication, language or swallowing needs.

Comprehensive assessment

Explores your communication strengths
Explores your communication strengths
Identifies areas to work on
Identifies areas to work on
Results in a personalised therapy program
Results in a personalised therapy program
communication is about connection

Communication means connection

Ultimately, communication is about connection.

Language helps you connect with yourself by understanding your own thoughts and feelings. It also helps you build relationships with others such as family members, friends or colleagues.

Those connections improve your quality of life. We love being part of that.

We help children and adults with

Early communication skills

Early communication skills

  • Speech delay
  • Building blocks for speech and comprehension
  • Social communication skills
Speech sounds

Speech sounds

  • Pronunciation
  • Articulation / phonology
  • Apraxia of speech
Speech disorders

Speech disorders

  • Stuttering – fluency
  • Dysphonia – voice difficulties
  • Dysarthria – slurred speech
  • Aphasia
Feeding difficulties

Feeding difficulties

  • Dysphasia – swallowing
  • Mealtime management plans to improve family experiences
Language & literacy

Language & literacy

  • Vocabulary
  • Sentence construction
  • Grammar
  • Comprehension
Developmental delays

Developmental delays

Delays relating to:

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Down Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
Complex speech and language difficulties

Communication difficulties

Difficulties due to:
  • Stroke
  • Brain injury
  • Learning disability
  • Dementia
  • Hearing loss
Complex speech and language difficulties

Complex speech and language difficulties

  • Severe communication difficulties
  • Complex needs

Communication is a
two-way street

Communication is relational. It’s about both the speaker and the listener.

That’s why we work with the whole family. As you learn new styles of communication, we can also help your family – or your workmates – learn how to understand and engage.

Therapy may start in the clinic but it continues throughout the week as you and your family practice together.

And wouldn’t it be great if more people met you halfway? If our society became more comfortable with different ways of communicating? If more people learned sign language or became comfortable with augmentative and alternative communication methods?

That would be a much fairer and friendlier world, wouldn’t it?

Communication is a two-way street

Our Methods

We use a number of evidence-based therapy tools to help you communicate more easily.

Augmentative and alternative communication

Devices, signing and visual aids that open up new methods of communication.

Orofacial myofunctional therapy

An exercise training program for the muscles around your face, mouth, and tongue.

Hanen ‘More than words’

Equipping parents of autistic children with the tools, strategies and support to help their child communicate more meaningfully. Learn more

Lidcombe Program

Early intervention for under-6s who stutter. Learn more

SOS approach to feeding

Helping children learn the skills they need to eat well. Learn more


A literacy program that uses phonics to show how language sounds are represented in the writing system. Learn more

Individual and group therapy options

Individual and group therapy options

At Look Who’s Talking, you have two options for therapy: a 1:1 appointment or a group program.

Group therapy allows children to experience a range of benefits that are hard to replicate in a 1:1 appointment. In a group, children can: