

At Look Who's Talking, we don't believe in charging different fees for NDIS participants. Our Fee Structure is the same for ALL clients regardless of their method of funding.

Funding and Rebates

Medicare Supported speech pathology


Speech pathology and Occupational Therapy services are eligible for Medicare rebates with an accompanying Team Care Arrangement or an Authorised Referral from your doctor. FYI we are not a bulk billed service. 

Private Health


A number of our services are eligible for private health rebates which vary depending on your level of cover.
Ask your private health insurer to find out. 



Look Who’s Talking is registered with the NDIS to provide services to participants with agency managed, 3rd party managed, and self-managed NDIS plans.

All Therapies

  • Assessment Session $570

    30min Pre Assessment Zoom call + 50 min face to face + 10 min required for clinical records and includes a written summary report

  • Standard Therapy Session $220.40

    50 min face to face + 20 min required for clinical records, individualised goals and resources

  • Written Reporting $190

    suitable for NDIS plan reviews, AAC trials etc.
    (per hour of report writing)

Allied Health Assistant

  • Standard Support Session $99.76

    50 min face to face + 20 min required for clinical records, individualised goals and resources

  • 10 Week AHA Program $1564

    2 Hours therapist program development and supervision + 10 hours AHA therapy + 30min end of program feedback session with supervising therapist